Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A photoless update

No pictures since Kevin has the camera with him on their High Adventure, but I thought I'd give a quick update of what Zane is up to these days.

If you say "Gimme a kiss," he might lean toward you with a big, open, slobbery mouth and smile. However, he prefers to give his Pooh Bear, frog puppet, and Puppy kisses.

His official first word, other than "mama" and "dada" is "hi." He says it in the cutest little voice with a big grin. I haven't figured out how he decides who is okay to say hi to and who isn't. But you know when he's said it to you. He also like to take a phone, or his cup or a shoe or just his hand, put it up to his ear and walk around saying "hi, hi."

How do little boys know to push trucks around and make truck sounds? For Heaven's sake, I certainly didn't teach him that. But, he loves to push his Tonka truck around making slobbery truck sounds all over the house.

Also, ever since we went to Seattle he has been in love with this Fisher Price piano that Olivia had. I searched and searched on Craigslist, but could never find anything here in the Portland area before it was already sold. One day, Grandpa Pickup e-mailed me a link on Craigslist that had the exact piano we were looking for and it was quite a deal. I e-mailed the woman and she never got back to me, so I was a little bummed. It didn't last long though, because Kevin came home from Grandpa Pickup's with Zane's piano. He LOVES it. Every morning that's the first thing he plays with. He can play with it FOREVER, which is great for mom, because it keeps him entertained.

Finally, he has become quite the climber. Unfortunately, he has found out how to climb on the stove. He puts his feet on the handle for the drawer on the bottom, pulls himself up and pulls on the oven door until it opens. Or, he reaches his little hands up to touch the burners. I'm working very hard at trying to teach him not to touch! He also climbs on and off his rocking chair several times a day and is so proud of himself. He climbs on his new piano, he climbs on the shelves, he climbs everywhere.

Kevin's away until Saturday. He had a great High Adventure planned for the boys so hopefully all goes well. Meanwhile, I'm just trying to stay a little bit cool. It's been terribly hot! Even Zane couldn't sleep last night he was so sweaty. We were going to go swimming with friends yesterday but our schedule was so wacky trying to help Kevin get ready that Zane just slept right through swimming time. Maybe another day.

As for Nora (that's what we're calling her for now), she is moving quite a bit. Sometimes it feels like she's doing the Salsa dance in there. I always am anxious for the day Kevin finally gets to feel the baby move. I think it's more real to him then. He has felt her move quite a bit. I just had my 24 week appointment and all is well.

All in all, things are good. Here's to keeping cool!