Friday, June 25, 2010

May Pictures

One way Zane and Nora have found to entertain themselves while I cook dinner is to stick Post-It notes all over the fireplace. I figure, if it keeps them busy, keeps them out of the kitchen and gives us all some sanity during witching hour, then it's worth the price of a few extra sticky notes.
Zane got some new sunglasses and he thinks they are rather cool. He and Nora are becoming wonderful playmates.
Joey holding Anna. She is starting to develop a little personality. It doesn't take much to make her smile. You can see to the right of this pictures some of the spoils of my latest hobby--couponing. I can't believe how much money I've saved--especially on diapers!

One afternoon I heard crying upstairs (not an unusual occurrence at our house) and I proceeded to ignore it, as I do much of the crying that goes on around here (for the most part I think I can distinguish a cry that needs attention and a cry that will sort itself out). This cry however, was brought to me. Joey came down, Nora in arms and said "I think we have a problem." I took one look at Nora and couldn't help laughing at the poor girl. She tried to comb her hair and the comb got stuck.
One day in May I woke up feeling not quite right. It had been an unusually late night for Kevin and I and an unusually rough night with Anna, so I thought I was just tired. Then my vision started "strobing" and I thought that was weird. Then I started to get a little headache, I called and talked to Kevin for a minute and mentioned it, but didn't think much of it. Shortly after that I got very nauseous and completely wiped out. I realized I was having a migraine. I have never had one before, so I wasn't sure, but this is what I would imagine. I called Jennifer and Jessica, who thankfully had not found jobs yet. As soon as Jessica said she could come, I just started crying and went straight to bed. I was able to get a few hour nap and then felt much better, but Jessica stayed all day to help out. What a great sister-in-law and Aunt! I'm so thankful to her!!
Nora likes to organize things and put things in their place. One morning I found her taking all the wipes out of the case and neatly lining them up on the computer desk--so helpful!
Anna--like I said is easy to please. Just look at this big smile as she sits on a sleeping Daddy waiting to head off to church.