Friday, October 24, 2008


As I mentioned before, Zane has a habit of climbing up on the handle of the oven drawer and then grabbing the top of the stove. I thought I had him pretty well trained, but Sunday while I was at a Pack Committe Meeting he proved me wrong. Kevin was so thoughtfully preparing dinner and he turned around and saw Zane grabbing the top of the stove. Kevin didn't know he was actually touching the burner so Zane got in big trouble. He hates it when Kevin's upset with him so he was crying and crying and then a few minutes later Kevin noticed he had burned his finger pretty badly. I feel bad for both of them. Here is what Zane's finger looked like after the blister tore off. He won't keep a bandaid on so now I have a bandaid covered with Coban and taped with adhesive tape. Yesterday a second layer of skin peeled away and it just bled forever. Poor baby. On the bright side, he points to the stove now and says "No, no, no." He has also learned the word "hot."